The super loud alarm clock of 113 dB and flashing lights along with battery backup provide assurance that you will wake on time. The Sonic Bomb sbb500ss is designed for the hearing impaired to wake up the deepest of sleepers Buy now from Hearing Direct, 30 day money back guarantee.

The clock has a time format switch (50 Hz or 60 Hz) for operating in the U.S. The Original Vibrating Alarm Clock - Since 1980 the Sonic Alert Sonic Bomb Alarm clock has been the strongest alarm shaker on the market for heavy sleepers and deaf individuals.

It comes with a 110 volt power supply and will also work with a 220 volt power supply for England or Western Europe (sold separately). 113 dB Extra-Loud Alarm Dual Alarms Powerful Bed-Shaker (included) Built-In Super Bright Strobe Lights Five-Level Dimmer Adjustable Alarm Tone and Volume Adjustable Alarm Duration (1-59 Minutes) Adjustable Snooze Duration (1-30 Minutes) Alarm and Bed-Shaker Test Mode Dual Time 12/24 Hour Time Format Battery Back-Up Settings One Year. The Sonic Bomb Alarm Clock with Super Shaker has an extra-loud adjustable 113 dB volume, super bright strobe lights, and the industry leading powerful 12V.

The Sonic Bomb alarm clock features a powerful super-charged bed shaker attachment and a built-in turbo-charged 113dB extra loud audio alarm. Sonic Bomb Alarm Clock With Bed Shaker available to buy online at. Also known as The Bomb ” this alarm clock has been designed with a stealth gray color and red controls dual alarms a dimmer switch for seeing the display at night pulsating alert lights and a bed shaker for those who can’t hear the alarm or are deep sleepers. Sonic Bomb Dual Extra Loud Alarm Clock with Bed Shaker, Black Sonic Alert Vibrating, Heavy Sleepers, Battery Backup Wake with a Shake by Color: Black & Red Change Write a review How customer reviews and ratings work Top positive review BOMB is a good name.